
Terry Green - Rotherham, South Yorkshire

Phone:- 01709-814-296

Advice on:- General Topics

Robbie Beckwith

Phone 0191-526-1900 Tel/Fax
Phone 0358-977-828 Mobile (Leave message will return call)
Email : Robbie@aurac.Demon.Co.Uk
Website : http://www.Auroc

Advice on:- Software

Chris Healing

Phone 01258-456-408

Advice on:- Software & General topics

Derick Nightingale - Wakefield

Phone 01924-210-461
Email :

Advice on:- Software

Pete Warnes - Huddersfield

Phone 01484-312-866
Email :

Advice on:- General Software, internet

Mark Hodgekinson - Worksop, Notts

Phone 01909-732-377 After 2.00PM only

Advice on:- MakeCD Software, Setup Hard Drive, Dos3.0

Paul Wright - Stoke-on_Trent

Phone 01782-201-881 (A.M. Best)

Advice on:- Software(Games & Utilities)

Adrian - Cardiff, Wales

Phone 01633-865-019 12.00pm to 12.00am only.

Advice on:- Software, CD recording, HD recording, Programming, 'E', Assembler, Machine code

Paul Wood - Huddersfield, West Yorks

Phone 07939-398-327 (after 4.30pm)

Advice on:- Software in general, Opus Magellan2

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